Issue 101
Autumn, 2021
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the Michaelmas issue of New View magazine. These are indeed apocalyptic times that we are living through. Recognising the importance of gaining ever deeper insight to help us understand and navigate the times we are living through, by opening more and more to the spiritual world, prompted the offering to our readers of William Blake’s Angel of the Revelation as the front cover image for this Autumn (northern hemisphere season) issue of New View.
One may wonder where the individuality that was known as William Blake is active today. His was such a spirit, opposed to tyranny, which can surely offer inspiration in this troubled time. In his well-loved poem ‘Jerusalem’, the fourth stanza opens with the words “I will not cease from mental fight” and I cannot imagine a more important motif that can stand with each of us who seeks a right way through the current events swirling around us all.
And what is a right way? Here on earth, we live our lives challenged to find a creative moral content in all we say and do, if we can wake up to what really confronts us. To do this we need courage to penetrate, with our thinking, to the very heart of our feeling life and discern what is at work in our lives and how we can respond to what meets us. A moral deed is one that brings the right idea to life in the right place, at the right time. Time and place are experiences for us in physical incarnation, what we bring to our personal time and place is always informed by the challenge to not cease from mental fight, to find the right idea by realising the truth of a situation and act upon it.
Well, these words may be easy enough to place on the page of an editorial, but can I really live them? That is my challenge, but one that I surely share with all my brothers and sisters in the wide human family.
It is not just at Michaelmas, when we more consciously connect to a festival moment that Rudolf Steiner said would gain deeper significance as time goes by, that its motif of courage for the truth can ring out. It seems as if the whole world has been awoken to that deep necessity by the events of the last eighteen months. New View has offered itself throughout as a conduit for authors around the world to try and bring insight and information to help in this endeavour and encourage each of us to find our way through it all. The work of Steiner, and what we can each form from it in our inner lives, underpins this whole initiative.
Richard Ramsbotham opens our Michaelmas issue with a brief consideration of Blake’s picture with About the front cover. We then republish a piece by Charles Kovacs, who died in 2001, based on a talk he gave in 1956, The Holy Peasant, that deals with a Michaelmas theme and seems just as relevant for our time now.
From the USA, David Axelrod explores what underpins social healing in Social Division and the Need of the Individual. We then feature a transcript of a recent lecture given by Ernst Wolff, a German with an extensive understanding of the world of finance, in Uncovering the Covid Narrative. This may be a difficult read for some as it deals with a possible reality that will confront us; and yet it also contains a profound opportunity for new ways forward. But it is up to us how this happens.
We then publish an important lecture by Steiner for the soul development in our time: The Work of the Angel in our Astral Body. This is followed by an exploration of this theme, inspired by an artistic work, by Karin Jarman in Am I my Angel’s Keeper?
Benjamin Cherry, writing from Taiwan, looks at our possible future in Planet Earth on the Edge.
Shindig Rhymer then brings us to an oasis where the reader can refresh for the articles ahead with a light-hearted touch – Shindig Unmasked.
Analytical scientist Peter Taylor questions the alarmism of climate scientists in Encountering the Modelling Mentality and raises an important question.
Michael Warden, writing from Spain, asks us to hold as a possibility that ‘correlation’ may well point to ‘causation’ in 5G and Coronavirus: An Interim Report
Terry Boardman then looks at the spiritual forces at work in the current world situation, in which we are all embedded, with The Four Counterforces in the Crisis of the 21st Century.
Maria Lyons, writing from Scotland, offers food for thought with Who are you calling unscientific? On the term ‘anti-vaxxer’ and the disappearance of informed consent.
Richard House has made an extensive and penetrating interview with the German medical doctor Thomas Hardtmuth, where they discuss Immunity – Natural and Otherwise: Towards a ‘Scientific Revolution’ in Modern Medicine.
A few years ago New View added some modest book publishing to its activities – and in this issue we launch a new book, so that now we have three titles under our imprint. Each of three authors shares a brief outline as to what inspired them to write the books that we published.
I also want to gratefully acknowledge the ongoing support that readers are making for our continuance with their financial donations. You truly are a wonderful supporting community. Thank you, it is keeping us afloat.
And finally, to you the reader, all good wishes, wherever you may be.
Tom Raines (Editor)
Article/Author | Topics |
About the Front Cover: Angel of the Revelation by William Blake (1757-1827)by Richard Ramsbotham |
The Holy Peasantby Charles Kovacs |
Poem: Beethovenby Charles Lawrie |
Social Division and the Need of the Individualby David Axelrod |
Uncovering the Covid Narrativeby Ernst Wolff |
The Work of the Angel in Our Astral Bodyby Rudoilf Steiner |
Am I my Angel’s Keeper?by Karin Jarman |
Planet Earth on the Edgeby Benjamin Cherry |
Shindig Unmaskedby Shindig Rhymer |
Encountering the Modelling Mentalityby Peter Taylor |
5G and Coronavirus: An Interim Reportby Michael Warden |
Autumnal Pieta and Conscienceby David Newbatt |
The Four Counterforces in the Crisis of the 21st Centuryby Terry Boardman |
Who are you calling unscientific? On the term ‘anti-vaxxer’ and the disappearance of informed consentby Maria Lyons |
Immunity – Natural and Otherwise: Towards a ‘Scientific Revolution’ in Modern Medicineby Dr Thomas Hardtmuth interviewed by Richard House Ph.D. |
Inside Anthroposophy: Essays on Freedom, Thinking and Existenceby Richard Bunzl |
The Dragon Who Had No Fireby Vibusha Delamore |
The Viridian Sailby Michael Frensch |